Operational Documents

Vaccination Area Setup

Here is a sample of how to set up the vaccination area to facilitate flow of participants. Be sure to ask schools ahead of time where they want you to set up. Ideally it is in a quiet space, central to the rest of the campus, and large enough to handle 1-2 classrooms at a time. A room with more than one entrance is ideal.

Sample vaccination area set up diagram

Medical Supply List

Provided is a sample list of essential medical supplies needed to conduct vaccinations. This list assumes that only injectable vaccine is being administered. We recommend that all medical supplies be kept in a centralized location that’s accessible for transport (we used an empty office near the elevator to the loading dock in our office building). We prepared medical supply kits in advance to vaccinate 150 participants and based on the number of participants expected at each school, sent 1 to 2 kits to each site. A staff member was assigned to preparing kits for the following day once all used kits had been returned for the day. Preprinted, laminated labels were attached to each kit so it was clear to which school each kit was going.

Sample medical supply list
Lesson Learned

Initially we had lead nurses pick up supplies and bring them to school sites which was not a good use of nurse time nor cost efficient. We eventually piloted the use of a courier to pick up all medical supplies and vaccine coolers and found this to be efficient and worth the expense. 

Administrative Supply List

This sample list of supplies will vary significantly by program. This is a list of items that we consistently purchased from year to year.

Sample administrative supply list

Vaccine Day Report

Here is a sample report that can be used by site leads to track vaccinations, vaccine temperature and staffing during the vaccine day. On the backside of the report is a sign in sheet for all volunteers and staff. It is important to have a record of all individuals assisting with vaccine days as well as their contact information. If there were to be an incident and you need to investigate, you need to be able to interview anyone assisting with vaccination efforts. Additionally, the sign-in sheet can yield valuable information about the type of staff, number of staff, and staff time to aid in staff planning for future campaigns.

Sample vaccine day report

Student Identification Protocol

Besides a serious adverse event, one of the worst things that can happen at a vaccination event is vaccinating the wrong student. It can be difficult to identify students without their parents or guardians present, particularly for younger students or students new to the English language. It is critical that any protocol for identification is strictly followed at all times. This is one example of a way to identify students that involves both self-identification by the student and the assistance of school teachers or staff. If schools have a student ID system with pictures or labeled pictures of students, this can also be used to assist in identifying students.

Sample student identification protocol

Guidelines for Clinical Protocols

Personnel administering vaccines must be aware that recipients could experience an adverse reaction after immunization and should be trained in how to respond appropriately. The supervising physician, often an employee of the health department, should issue standard orders for immunizations as well as approve the clinical guidelines for managing adverse reactions. This document provides an outline of what should be included in a set of clinical protocols for school based immunization.

Guidelines for Clinical Protocols

Data Management

There is a large amount of data to track within any given program year and across all program years. We used a cloud based spreadsheet (Google Sheets) to manage our data so that individuals across multiple organizations could access data as needed. Since school level data (enrollment, language distribution, class size) may affect many different aspects of the program, we kept a “master” database with this type of information. All subsequent spreadsheets were tied to this master database which was only accessed by key program staff. This ensured that if information about a school was updated, that information was updated in all possible places. We used spreadsheets for the following: 

  • School communication tracking (assure each school receives the same information on the same timeline)
  • Print production and material delivery (e.g. number of promotional materials and consents, by language, to be sent to each school)
  • Supplies inventory
  • Vaccine inventory
  • Vaccine packing projections (how much vaccine of each type should be packed for each school’s event)
  • Budget